Thursday, February 17, 2011

Student Teaching... so far

As I munch down on this amazing brie, apple and turkey sandwich my mind wonders off to what today is going to bring. At 11 am I am going to go back to my place and get ready for another day of student teaching. I am in a 1st grade classroom and it is the most exciting experience I have ever been in.

There are a few children who instantly fell in love with me and follow me everywhere. It is so hard to set boundaries up when their faces are so precious but they have to be set. I have been trying to spend time with the kids I have not been able to interact with that much. The drama that 6 and 7 year olds contain is too funny. If one child even looks at the other child wrong, it's a sob fest for at least 5 minutes. I am in a public school so I can not bring up Christ but I do ask the children where their hearts are in certain situations. To see God get glory in their responses is the most exciting experience. I have witnessed repentant hearts, without bringing up the name God. It's all through Him that I have the words to say in the 1st grade drama sessions.

Through this experience, I have felt so confident in my calling. I have not always been good about seeking wisdom before following my heart. That has lead me 5 jobs in one year. I have been really trying to seek out where God has me and where He wants to use me. I struggled with understanding what ministry meant and then my dear friend said "Ministry is seeing the gospel move forward in your life and planting a seed in another's". Wow. From that moment, God spoke so clearly and reminded me that all day every day is ministry. I see how loving on these children and asking where their hearts are is building a relationship with them and through that ministry naturally comes. Wow. Again, I can not thank God enough for placing such amazing leaders in my life who speak truth in such an amazing and convicting way. Thank you Jesus!

I will post more about student teaching soon. I am going on my 3rd quarter in my Masters program!! So crazy I only have 3 left??!!?!?!? Where did the time go?? It has been a fast track but it has been such a beautiful ride.